Monday, October 1, 2012


So I had the weirdest dream a little bit back. I was in Target shopping for baby clothes with Keland and then I started to wander off. I walked over to the women's clothes section and there was Krys with a GIANT oven that you could literally easily get into. She was baking these chocolate chip muffins. Then she made it into a like..chocolate chip muffin...milkshake drink thing? Haha Anyway, I woke up and was CRAVING this chocolate chip muffin/milkshake thing. 

Well, I ended up going to Winco (the only place that had these specific muffins I was wanting) at 3am and getting a 6 pack. I also picked up a small container of vanilla ice cream to make those milk shakes too Haha

These pregnancy dreams that involve food are going to be the death of me.