Monday, October 1, 2012


So I had the weirdest dream a little bit back. I was in Target shopping for baby clothes with Keland and then I started to wander off. I walked over to the women's clothes section and there was Krys with a GIANT oven that you could literally easily get into. She was baking these chocolate chip muffins. Then she made it into a like..chocolate chip muffin...milkshake drink thing? Haha Anyway, I woke up and was CRAVING this chocolate chip muffin/milkshake thing. 

Well, I ended up going to Winco (the only place that had these specific muffins I was wanting) at 3am and getting a 6 pack. I also picked up a small container of vanilla ice cream to make those milk shakes too Haha

These pregnancy dreams that involve food are going to be the death of me.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rapunzel Rapunzel, Let Down Your Thick Hair

I know that part of being pregnant means that your boobs might as well feel like they have doubled in size and you get a belly so big you can't see your toes anymore (not that with "my girls" I could before anyways Haha). But there are some nice changes that come along with it too!

1. My hair is SUPER thick. I used to have really thick hair when I was a little girl, before I dyed it every other month. Then it kind of thinned out and became more manageable. Now it's crazy! It takes FOREVER to straighten it or really do anything to it other then put it up in a bun/ponytail because there's just soooo much of it. But I can't really complain because it's so nice and soft :)

2. I know it's relatively OK to dye your hair past the first trimester, but I still don't feel comfortable doing it. Thus my massive showing of the roots. Dark brown then BAM Haha Going all natural I guess. Which is funny because my cousin Danielle, before she had children, would always get really done up with makeup and make sure her hair was always perfect. Then when she got pregnant, she slowly stopped with the "runway" look and her hair went to it's natural color. I didn't understand back then. I sure do now! Between being tired all the time or just feeling like crap, no way do I have time everyday now to get all sorts of dolled up Haha

3. My skin is so nice! Sure, I still get the occasional tiny blemish here and there but other then that it's soft and clear. Although I don't look forward to it going back to it's semi-dull look after the pregnancy, so I'll just enjoy the next 4 months of it while I can :)

On a behind-the-scenes side note: I was having such a hard time faking a smile when I took these pictures. If you know me, I'm not exactly Ms. Sunshine & Daisies. I'm more of Ms. Rain Clouds & Thunderstorms girl Haha So in order to achieve the smile in the black and white photo, I just thought of Jelly Bean and instantly couldn't wipe off the big grin on my face :)


I don't think I'll ever get used to the baby using my bladder as a trampoline. Thus, my new best friend --->

It's really a weird sensation. Sitting and watching TV, feeling perfectly fine, baby kicking the top front of my uterus, when all of a sudden there's a weird bubbly feeling then a "oh my god I have to pee". As if I hadn't gone to the restroom in hours! When actually it had only been an hour max! Then the feeling will suddenly go away and I'll feel decently fine again. It's so weird! I'm not used to it yet.

Or when I'm upstairs in the office on the computer, feeling totally OK. Then I stand up and it honestly feels like a huge weight just FELL onto my bladder. So horrible! Especially having to walk down stairs feeling that way Haha

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Like Christmas In September...

I've literally been counting down the days until the ultrasound since my last prenatal appointment in August. At first they scheduled me in OCTOBER and I would have been past 20 weeks but I asked very nicely and they changed it to the end of September :) It's at 2pm so hopefully I can sleep in so I'm not up waiting like a kid on Christmas morning for his parents to wake up. Everyday one of my favorite coworkers, Barb, asks how much longer until she will know. She's convinced we're having a boy and has thus named the baby "Mortimer". I'm hoping she's wrong, otherwise she'll be calling the baby that for the next 4 1/2 months Haha 

As much as I would love to have a girl, Keland and I both agree it's more logical to have a boy first. Primarily for protection from big brother :) But either way I'll be happy and he'll just have to deal with it, besides, if it is a girl, it's
technically his fault ;)

Fur Baby

Oscar seems to be very unhappy about this whole baby thing. He cries and paws at me when I use the Doppler, tries to eat the Ugly Dolls and as you can see, needs to
 be the center of my photos. 

I guess it doesn't help that I hold him like a baby, spoil him and he's been an "only child" his whole life. Poor kitty lol

Monkey See, My Dreams Do

I actually had a dream last night and in it I had a decently large belly bump and was shopping at Target (surprise) with Keland. We were looking at baby clothes and I saw this one (looked almost like the yellow one with the two monkeys on it) and laid it on my belly. Yellow is more girly right? Haha If so, that would be my 2nd dream in which I was having a girl :) We'll find out in less then a week though so we'll see :) 

Ugly Dolls?


First baby item I bought. The little bats are called Ugly Dolls and the Dracula Sock Monkey is a Halloween version :)

I decided that the Ugly Dolls will be the center of the baby theme. Some people choose animals, some choose sports, I choose monsters :)