Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Like Christmas In September...

I've literally been counting down the days until the ultrasound since my last prenatal appointment in August. At first they scheduled me in OCTOBER and I would have been past 20 weeks but I asked very nicely and they changed it to the end of September :) It's at 2pm so hopefully I can sleep in so I'm not up waiting like a kid on Christmas morning for his parents to wake up. Everyday one of my favorite coworkers, Barb, asks how much longer until she will know. She's convinced we're having a boy and has thus named the baby "Mortimer". I'm hoping she's wrong, otherwise she'll be calling the baby that for the next 4 1/2 months Haha 

As much as I would love to have a girl, Keland and I both agree it's more logical to have a boy first. Primarily for protection from big brother :) But either way I'll be happy and he'll just have to deal with it, besides, if it is a girl, it's
technically his fault ;)

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